Struggling to decide between starting an apprenticeship or traineeship? Or would you just like to know the difference between the two?
We have listed a few points below to bear in mind if you are wondering what to do when you finish school.
- Apprenticeships and traineeships both cost you nothing as the employer and government cover your training costs. However, on an apprenticeship you will earn money, at least £2.68p/h, although many employers pay more than this. Employers are not required to pay young people on traineeships, although they must support them with money for transport and meals.
- Apprenticeships last between one and three years, depending on the level of training, and apprentices get a recognised qualification upon completion. Traineeships last between six weeks and five months and should be seen as high quality work experience, designed to prepare young people for the workplace or an apprenticeship, and to improve English and Maths skills.
- Neither pathway guarantees a job upon completion. An employer is likely to keep an apprentice on as a full time employee when they finish their training, because they have invested time and money in the young person’s development. At the end of a traineeship, employers usually interview the trainee for an apprenticeship or other position within the company, and failing that, should provide a meaningful exit interview and reference to help the trainee secure an apprenticeship elsewhere.
- Apprenticeships and traineeships aren’t just for blue-collar roles such as construction and engineering anymore. You can train in just about anything, from accounting to journalism, so do your research first and see what’s out there!