SQA produces first ‘UK wide’ apprenticeship guide
Leading awarding body SQA has produced a ‘first of its kind’ apprenticeship guide for employers and training providers. The UK-wide apprenticeship guide ... read more
SQA (The Scottish Qualifications Authority) is an international leader in education and training; we assess and award qualifications throughout the UK and are Scotland’s national awarding and accreditation body.
SQA (The Scottish Qualifications Authority) is an international leader in education and training; we assess and award qualifications throughout the UK and are Scotland’s national awarding and accreditation body.
Our wide range of qualifications and services help individuals and organisations realise their potential and achieve their ambitions. We are trusted by our partners;including employers, trade federations and sector bodies, and we are responsive to emerging industry needs. We work closely with training providers, colleges, and employers to develop and deliver our qualifications and assessments.
We are experts in assessment and renowned for our quality and customer service. We are Ofqual recognised and offer a range of high quality qualifications including QCF qualifications and SVQs. Our unique Customised Awards service allows business to create their own bespoke qualification which can formalise in-house training, recognise staff skill levels and meet regulatory requirements.
We work with education professionals and industry specialists who support our operations, ensuring our qualifications accurately reflect learners’ knowledge and skills and provide successful routes to jobs or further study.
Our people take great pride in offering exceptional customer service — which is acknowledged by government organisations, universities, businesses and individuals throughout the world.
Leading awarding body SQA has produced a ‘first of its kind’ apprenticeship guide for employers and training providers. The UK-wide apprenticeship guide ... read more
Organisations are missing out on the chance to reward employee development via staff training programmes, claims educational awarding body SQA
It is a confusing time for employers, training providers and professional bodies with the ongoing changes and reforms in the education and skills market.
With over 100 years’ experience in the education and training sector, SQA has the expertise and knowledge to provide consultancy services to organisations that require support and guidance
Employers have a number of different options when it comes to assessment, even as the goal remains the same: to determine whether an employee can do the job or task at hand. What do employers really need to know, and how can they be sure they’re getting it right?
The Scottish Qualifications Authority, Scotland’s national awarding and accreditation body, has announced that it will shortly begin recruiting for its annual intake ... read more
Maintenance of assessment standards is about more than the ability to respond to any change in industry and regulation – it’s about being able to anticipate and plan for change, as SQA explain in this whitepaper.
Ensuring that apprentices are being assessed by the same robust standards, wherever and whenever they may be assessed, is important for all parties along the food chain – from apprentice to employer to the sector at large.
Now that employers are leading the development of standards for their apprentices, Trailblazer groups will set the industry standards then develop an assessment approach designed to confirm that standards are being met.
Curious about the Apprenticeship Trailblazers process? SQA has developed a handy infographic to guide you through it.
With over 100 years’ experience in the education and training sector, SQA has developed a case study in partnership with The IoD ... read more
In this whitepaper, SQA explains the importance of quality assurance and maintenance of standards when assessing apprentices’ performance, and shows Trailblazers how they can play a role in standardising assessments.
Educational awarding body SQA’s whitepaper Ensuring Independence in Assessment advises on how to interpret government’s guidance on independence and impartiality while identifying the points most important to Trailblazers groups and employers.
In this whitepaper the experts at SQA share their thoughts and frame the discussion on assessment design, development and delivery.
SQA QCF Qualifications
QCF qualifications are available across a wide range of industries and specialisms.
Explore news, information and support materials for our growing number of QCF (Qualifications and Credit Framework) registered Awards, Certificates and Diplomas and Functional Skills.
Browse our QCF subjects, download information and find out more. Or search our range of qualifications by sector here: MySector.
SQA Trailblazers
The Future of Apprenticeships in England: Implementation Plan is the Government’s response to the Richard Review and outlines the major reform to Apprenticeships. This gives employers the responsibility for standards and assessment approaches.
With almost 90 years of assessment expertise in the UK and internationally, we can support employers and Trailblazer groups in the development of apprenticeship standards and deciding how these standards should be assessed.
We can help with everything from creating industry standards, assessing standards to recognition, certification and quality assurance. We can support right through the whole process, or in specific areas.
Developing new standards, and deciding how these will be assessed, is a complex undertaking. However, it is also a real opportunity for businesses – one that can be maximised with our experience and support.
SQA Customised Awards
SQA’s Customised Awards allow you to develop qualifications that are tailored to your needs. This is ideal if you’re in a highly specialised business, or you’re operating in a unique market where existing qualifications don’t quite meet your requirements. We will guide you through the development of the qualification.
SQA Services
As experts in assessment, we can provide the specialist support your business can trust.
We offer a range of services which can work individually or together to meet your needs, including:
Leading awarding body SQA has produced a ‘first of its kind’ apprenticeship guide for employers and training providers. The UK-wide apprenticeship guide ... read more