Helping your business transform

The Apprenticeship Levy is a once in a generation opportunity for businesses to transform themselves. By reforming the way in which training is financed and delivered, the government hopes to support businesses of all sizes to invest in the skills they need.

The Levy will be of particular use to businesses that need to invest in their digital capabilities. Cyber and online apprenticeships are the fastest growing in terms of scope and popularity, and offer a great way of bringing in – and keeping – talented digital natives that can future proof your business.

To help you understand and navigate the new Levy landscape, Arch has put together a short and concise guide. This white paper sets out how the Levy works, what will change in the new system, and how you can make it work for your business. Arch is the UK’s leading provider of digital apprenticeships and is working with a range of blue chip companies to deliver training across the UK. You can download it by visiting here.