Next steps for learning pathways at 14: standards, policy options and impact of new 14-19 providers


On Tuesday 3rd February, a seminar, ‘Next steps for learning pathways at 14: standards, policy options and impact of new 14-19 providers’ will take place in central London.

Delegates at this seminar will assess the changing landscape of state-funded 14-19 learning, as increasing numbers of new providers enter the market.

It will bring together senior policymakers and regulatory officials with key stakeholders including school and college leaders, sponsors of UTCs and Studio Schools, employers, local authority representatives, teaching leaders, parent and student representatives, academics and other interested parties.

Delegates will assess early indicators of the performance of the first waves of University Technical Colleges (UTCs) and Studio Schools, as well as the potential role of initiatives such as ‘career colleges’ in providing young people with a combination of academic and vocational learning.

They will also discuss the impact of this increased diversity of provision, including more colleges admitting students at Key Stage 4, the extent to which increased choice at 14 is being extended equitably across all of England, and the effect on existing FE colleges and sixth form provision in areas where new providers are beginning to operate.

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