Call for North East businesses to support traineeships in the region


The new traineeships programme, which aims to prepare young people for employment through work experience, interview skills, and tutorials is due to launch in the North East on August 1st.

According to a press release, Gateshead based training provider Access Training will deliver the traineeships in the region. Access is calling for north east businesses to come forward to offer three month work placements.

Managing director at Access Training, Malcolm Armstrong, said: “Young people looking for a job or an apprenticeship often face the dilemma of needing good work experience to get a job, but not being able to get a job to give them that work experience. Some end up back in school and adapt to their new studies and progress to university, but a large number subsequently drop out of education and find themselves back at square one. Traineeships will hopefully be a lifeline for young people who want to work.

“We would love to hear from companies who want to be involved in this important programme, giving young people the opportunity and support to start successful careers.”

For information about Traineeships contact Valerie or Nicola on 0191 490 4652 or email