Case Study: Business admin apprentice at Mulmar Food Solutions

Gemma has been offered full time employment with Mulmar

Gemma has been offered full time employment with Mulmar

Following assessments and interviews with Harrow International Business School, young apprentice Gemma secured a place with Mulmar Food Solutions in Hatfield as a business administration apprentice.

Selected from five candidates, Gemma began her apprenticeship in August 2012, spending four out of five days on the job, and Wednesday’s at college. During her apprenticeship, the college worked closely with Mulmar and Gemma, having regular reviews to ensure that everyone was benefitting from the scheme. Mulmar highly praised Gemma’s work and Gemma was happy in her role.

Mulmar has recently contacted the college to offer Gemma a full time position at the company. She now occupies a permanent position, continuing her apprenticeship by studying at an evening class once a week. On completion of her level 2 apprenticeship she will continue on to level 3, alongside working in her new job role.