NCTJ launches apprenticeship scheme for budding journalists

Group managing editor Doug Wills said: "The NCTJ are to be applauded for creating this scheme."

Group managing editor Doug Wills said: “The NCTJ are to be applauded for creating this scheme.”

The National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) has launched a new apprenticeship scheme to recruit and train budding journalists who don’t have degrees. The Independent and the London Evening Standard have supported the scheme and are advertising for editorial apprentices. The two year programme, aimed at people between the ages of 19-24, has government backing.

Apprentices will study one day a week at London’s Lambeth College in courses including journalism, media law and ethics. They will learn about news reporting, shorthand, government and public affairs.

Group managing editor Doug Wills said: “The NCTJ are to be applauded for creating this scheme, which will allow those with a flair for journalism who have chosen or are not able to attend university a chance to fulfil their dreams for a career in the media. And we are proud to be the first newspaper group to support the scheme.”