A new direction for The IoD

As a chartered membership body for company directors, The Institute of Directors (IoD) has been supporting businesses and the people who run them since 1903; allowing its 33,000 members across the UK to have a voice both locally and nationally.

The IoD provides professional development for aspiring and practising directors, both executive and non-executive.  In order to fully recognise its qualifications and strengthen its processes, The IoD sought to benchmark its qualifications against others in the industry.

The IoD took advantage of available opportunities to deliver added value with SQA’s (Scottish Qualifications Authority) Credit Rating service. In partnership with SQA, The IoD has achieved external recognition for a suite of six qualifications.

Teresa Jacobs, Head of Assessments and Professional Standards said: “The verification process is very open and transparent. The paperwork is thorough but accessible. Working with SQA feels more like a partnership than going through regulation”.

With over 100 years’ experience in the education and training sector, SQA has developed a case study in partnership with The IoD outlining how their expertise can provide solutions to achieve the high standards needed in today’s training and skills market.

To read the full case study, click here