Nineteen-year-old Kimberley Bolton from Maidenhead made history after becoming the first woman to win a Microsoft Apprentice of the Year award.
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Aug 4, 2014

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Nineteen-year-old Kimberley Bolton from Maidenhead made history after becoming the first woman to win a Microsoft Apprentice of the Year award.

Woman wins Microsoft Apprentice of the Year Award for first time
Government & Policy

The Trade Union Congress and the Confederation of British Industry believe traineeships provide young unemployed people with an opportunity to undertake work experience placements alongside substantial, structured learning.

TUC and CBI speak up in support of government's traineeship programmes

The campaign aimed to raise awareness of the many business benefits of taking on an apprentice in the hope of encouraging employers who have not previously taken up this option to do so.

Weston College apprenticeship campaign achieves 203 pledges

The two apprenticeships on offer present the right candidates with the opportunity to enter the Aston Martin Design Department and help shape the future of the British brand.

Aston Martin on the hunt for clay sculpting apprentices
Events & Awards

Andrew Houghton, Mitchells Grievson’s director, said: “Since the business was first opened, it has always recruited apprentices. We know first-hand how invaluable these programmes are and we’re proud to continue to support the delivery of apprenticeship programmes across the North-East.”

Accountancy practice shortlisted for National Apprenticeship Award
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