Print SMEs win at apprentice recruitment
Of the print firms that hire apprentices, 57% say it gives them access to the best young talent, while 29% say that apprentices improve business productivity.
Of the print firms that hire apprentices, 57% say it gives them access to the best young talent, while 29% say that apprentices improve business productivity.
Sector leaders have warned that the government will fail to meet its target of 3 million apprenticeships if it goes ahead with significant cuts to the adult skills budget.
Business Secretary Sajid Javid has announced a new scheme to place apprentices in SMEs quoted on AIM, London Stock Exchange’s growth market for ambitious small and medium businesses.
After feeling that careers advice in schools was not good enough, a 17-year-old from Derbyshire launched his own service, Young Professionals, to fill the gap in the market.
According to a new report from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, young people are choosing to revise for their exams over earning money in a Saturday job.
Check out this video in which two apprentices, Curtis and Dale, answer some burning questions surrounding the vocational pathway.
The Skills Funding Agency has written to training providers informing them that the Agency cannot meet any skills programme growth requests until after the Budget on 8th July.