New website to boost business in Surrey

Website aims to boost apprenticeships

Website aims to boost apprenticeships

A new website, Supply2Surrey is being launched which aims to boost apprenticeships in Surrey. The website will match potential apprentices to companies in the area. The launch is backed by Surrey County Council in its bid to support growth of the economy. The initial idea was put forward during Surrey’s council tax announcement to invest GBP750.000 to create 500 apprenticeships next year.

These proposals would build upon the council’s cash incentive scheme already in place, bringing the number of apprentices employed up to 760 in 18 months.

Surrey County Council’s Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Kay Hammond, said: “Apprenticeships provide young people with skills they need, give businesses the workforce they need and help the economy grow. This website will help to provide them and also make it easier for businesses to win work from us, their local councils and the police.”